Affordable Medical USA

Affordable Medical USA offers mobility products & other daily life aids that enable disabled people experience novel solutions to everyday struggles

Experience Extra Comfort and Independence with Bariatric Manual Wheelchairs

Any person who is obese and suffering from restricted mobility can consider himself as an ideal candidate for using bariatric wheelchairs. Like standard wheelchairs, even bariatric mobility equipment comes in two versions: manual and power-operated. The bariatric manual wheelchair is a good option for those, who have good upper body strength and looking for an affordable way to regain their mobility. Mobility is essential for leading a quality life and remaining socially active. The companies manufacturing wheelchairs are making a decent attempt to offer a high quality of life to old age, physically disabled and limited mobility people with advanced medical assistive devices.

Many people think that transport manual wheelchairs and bariatric wheelchairs are the same. But the fact is former wheelchairs anyone can use but the latter one holds weight over 300 lbs and up to 700 lbs. It is not just the increased mobility that these wheelchairs offer; these wheelchairs are designed ergonomically and offer a greater degree of comfort and security to the heavy users. Some of the advanced features of these wheelchairs are:

  1. The back and seat of a wheelchair supports heavyweight upholstery material and made with extra reinforcement to bear the extra weight.
  2. These wheelchairs are also known as heavy-duty wheelchairs and made from stronger materials like steel for improved resistance.
  3. The backrest and seat of a wheelchair tilt back for providing an appropriate support to the user after considering his centre of gravity.
  4. Some advanced models of bariatric manual wheelchair can hold weight up to 1000 lbs.

Bariatric wheelchairs are ideal for those people who are suffering from conditions like cardiovascular diseases, osteoarthritis, cardiopulmonary disease, muscular dystrophy, spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis.

It is necessary to consult your physical therapist or a healthcare professional before buying or taking bariatric wheelchairs on rent. He is the right person that will determine your mobility needs carefully and let you know whether a manual or an electric wheelchair is the best choice. After taking recommendation from him, start searching for online suppliers. Disclose your requirements and choose that model of bariatric manual wheelchair that falls into your budget.